Kalispell Sex Crimes Lawyer in 4 1st St E #213, Kalispell, MT 59901, United States

Navigating accusations of a sex offense can be an incredibly distressing and complex journey. Allegations of this nature carry a heavy societal stigma and often result in life-altering consequences if not handled appropriately. It’s at this crucial moment that the significance of a skilled criminal defense attorney becomes essential.

If you believe you are or are about to be under investigation, or you are already facing sex crimes charges in Flathead County or any other county in Montana, contact Peabody Law PLLC today at (406) 609-0708. We have over a decade of experience handling various criminal law matters. We’ll use this experience to prepare an effective defense in your case. 

Contact our law firm to schedule a free consultation with a skilled Montana sex crimes lawyer. 

How Peabody Law PLLC Can Help If You’re Arrested for a Sex Crime in Montana 

How the Law Office of Ryan Peabody Can Help If You’re Arrested for a Sex Crime in Kalispell, MT 

Seeking the help of an experienced criminal defense lawyer is critical if you’re accused of a sex crime in Montana. We’ll use our professional understanding to navigate the legal maze and work tirelessly toward defending your rights. 

Our experienced Montana sex crimes attorney can help you in the following ways: 

We will explain the charges against you while outlining potential consequences. We will also help you understand legal jargon and court protocols when necessary. 

Build a Strong Defense

No two cases are identical. We’ll work closely with you to develop a strong, tailor-made defense strategy. This could involve gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, or seeking expert testimonies that support your innocence. 

As trained legal professionals, we’ll ensure to safeguard your rights throughout the process. We will file motions to suppress illegally obtained evidence if constitutional violations occur (for example illegal searches or Miranda rights violations). 

Plea Bargaining

In some instances, negotiating a plea deal with the prosecution can mitigate your potential punishment. Leveraging our negotiation skills and legal experience, we aim to strike the best possible agreement for you, which could include pleading guilty to a lesser offense to avoid being required to register as a sex offender.

Courtroom Representation

If your case goes to trial, having knowledgeable representation becomes even more crucial. To successfully defend a sex crimes case, you need an attorney with extensive experience cross-examining the prosecution’s witnesses. This cross-examination is crucial when confronting the complaining witness, as well as the prosecution’s expert and law enforcement witnesses.

Defense witnesses, while not required nor existing in every case, are to be explored and called if helpful to the case. A defense expert witness can be critical in some cases, although not necessary in others. It is also critical to keep out unduly prejudicial evidence and any other inadmissible evidence that hurts your case. This is done through pretrial motions, motions in limine, and contemporaneous verbal objections during trial.

Picking a jury that can give you a fair trial is critical — as many jurors have difficulty giving you the presumption of innocence and holding the government to the very high burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, given the inflammatory nature of these kinds of charges. After the evidence is in, the prosecution gives their closing argument, followed by the defense, and then the prosecution is allowed to give a rebuttal argument to the defense’s argument.

This is a critical stage of the trial where counsel has the ability to tell the jury why the evidence that they heard from the prosecution is not sufficient to prove each and every element beyond a reasonable doubt. We point out every important inconsistency, contradictions in the evidence, motives to lie, absence of evidence, all evidence in the case that cast doubts on guilt and points towards innocence. It is also critical to make sure, by making objections, that the prosecutor does not commit prosecutorial misconduct by engaging in improper argument.

From presenting compelling arguments before the judge and jury to objecting to improper questions and behaviors from prosecutors, we will be by your side every step of the way. If you’ve been charged with a sex crime in Flathead County, Montana, we can help. Contact Peabody Law PLLC to schedule a free consultation with a Whitefish criminal defense lawyer. 

What Are the Potential Penalties For Sex Crimes in Montana?

If you’re convicted of a sex crime in Montana, the penalties can be quite severe and significantly impact your life. These punishments may include some or all of the following:


Depending on the severity of the crime, one of the potential penalties is spending a significant amount of time behind bars. This could be in a county jail for less severe offenses or in a state prison for more serious crimes. 


Monetary fines are also imposed alongside most sexual offense convictions. These assigned amounts depend on factors such as the nature and degree of the crime committed.


Instead of incarceration, the judge might place you on probation, where you’re expected to adhere to certain conditions set by the court. These can include meeting with a probation officer, completing community service hours, attending counseling sessions, drug testing, and more.


If sentenced to prison for a sex crime, you could possibly be released on parole after serving part of your sentence. As a parolee, you need to comply with set conditions and avoid any criminal activities.

Mandatory Sex Offender Registration

Many sexual offenses in Montana require mandatory registration as a sex offender following conviction. This requires periodic reporting and public disclosure of your status. This is a life-altering consequence, potentially affecting housing and employment opportunities as well as social relationships.

The consequences of a conviction can be severe and long-lasting. It’s essential to speak with a Whitefish sex crimes defense lawyer right away if you’re facing criminal charges.

What Defenses Can Be Raised If I’m Arrested for a Sex Offense in Montana? 

When you are facing allegations of sex crimes, it’s essential to know that a guilty verdict isn’t inevitable. There are several legal defenses that can be raised, including the following: 


If you can provide evidence that proves you were somewhere else when the alleged crime took place, this could lead to an acquittal. An alibi can include eyewitness testimony, video footage, receipts, or other evidence showing that you were somewhere else when the alleged sex crime occurred. 

Proving that sexual activity was consensual between the involved participants serves as a powerful defense to some sex crimes. To show consent, your attorney can provide evidence such as direct testimony from you, witness statements, and shared communications between you and the alleged victim, like texts and emails. 

Wrongly or Falsely Accused

The allegations against you are not true for one or a number of reasons and the prosecution has failed to prove each and every element beyond a reasonable doubt.

Mistake of Age in Statutory Rape Cases 

If you’re charged with statutory rape, you may be able to use mistake of age as a legal defense. For example, if you can provide evidence that you had reason to believe the victim was of legal age – like they were being served alcoholic drinks in a bar – you may be able to obtain an acquittal.

Understanding and correctly implementing these defenses requires extensive legal knowledge and experience.

​Schedule a Free Case Evaluation With Our Montana Sex Crimes Attorney

Confronting sex crime charges comes with many challenges – not just immediate legal consequences but also potential long-standing repercussions on your personal, social, and professional life. It’s essential to work closely with an experienced Montana criminal defense attorney who understands the laws and how to defend you and protect your rights. 

If you’re facing criminal charges and need help, contact Peabody Law PLLC to schedule a free consultation with a Montana sex crimes lawyer.

Visit Our Criminal Defense Law Firm in Whitefish, MT

Peabody Law PLLC
14 2nd St. W., Suite 14
Whitefish, MT 59937
(406) 609-0708

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